The water level in Himayath Sagar reservoir has increased a lot due to heavy rain. To prevent flooding, the Water Board opened six gates to release water downstream. Around 2600 cubic meters of water was released on Saturday. Two extra gates were also opened to handle the high water levels. The Water Board is keeping a close eye on the situation to keep everyone safe.
Because of the large amount of water being released, traffic on the Outer Ring Road service road has been affected. The road leading from Himayat Nagar to Rajendra Nagar is temporarily closed because of the water flowing over the bridge. Barricades have been put up to stop vehicles from entering the flooded area.
People traveling to Rajendranagar now have to take a detour of about 5 kilometers. The authorities are asking residents to be careful and cooperate during this time. The Water Board officials and local authorities are working hard to manage the situation and minimize the impact of the heavy rain on the communities.