A leopard killed a buffalo calf in Maddur mandal of Narayanpet district, causing forest officials and villagers to be on high alert. The incident took place in the village of Pediripadu, Maddur Mandal, where the leopard was spotted prowling the area. The predator attacked and fatally wounded a buffalo calf owned by farmer Ramajaneyulu during the night.
Upon receiving the alert from locals, forest officials quickly responded to investigate the situation. After examining the scene, they confirmed that the leopard was responsible for the attack and killing. The forest department authorities have warned villagers to keep their cattle safe by not leaving them in farms and to avoid going outside during the night in areas near the forest.
The leopard is reportedly roaming in village areas near the Pediripadu forest region in Maddur. Plans are underway to trap the leopard, with officials intending to set up a trap cage in the forest soon to ensure the safety of both humans and livestock in the area.