Telangana’s performance in the Lok Sabha elections was criticized during a CWC (Congress Working Committee) meeting on Saturday. AICC leaders, including party chief Mallikarjun Kharge, questioned the State leadership and expressed dissatisfaction with the results. The party had aimed for 14 to 15 seats but only ended up with 8.
The meeting was attended by Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy, Minister Damodar Rajanarsimha, AICC state incharge Deepa Dasmunshi, and AICC secretary Ch Vamshi Chand Reddy. They discussed Telangana’s performance and noted similarities with other Congress-ruled states like Karnataka. Kharge was disappointed with the results and believed that Telangana could have done better. There were at least five more winnable seats, such as Mahbubnagar, Secunderabad, and Adilabad, that did not receive enough support from party members.
Another topic of discussion was the selection of the next PCC president as Revanth Reddy’s term was ending soon. Before the meeting, the Chief Minister voiced his support for Rahul Gandhi to be named Leader of Opposition in Lok Sabha. He defended the party’s performance by highlighting that Congress had increased its MPs from three to eight in Telangana, despite only winning eight seats. The vote share of the party also rose compared to the Assembly polls.