Former Minister Jupally Krishna Rao and former MP Ponguleti Srinivas Reddy, who were suspended from BRS, are exploring their options. They have the choice of joining two national parties or creating a new one, such as TRS. Jupally claims that he was suspended for exposing corruption in development programs and that the party did not value leaders who participated in the Telangana agitation. He wonders why he was suspended when he ensured the victory of eleven independent candidates in local body elections. Srinivas Reddy is grateful to be free from the control of feudal landlords and vows to prevent anyone from being elected from BRS in Khammam districts. There are rumors that they may form a new political party with names like Telangana Rajya Samithi or Telangana Rythu Samithi. The BJP, Congress, and YSRTP are all trying to recruit them. Jupally has been approached by the Congress, and Srinivas Reddy has been courted by the BJP. It remains to be seen what these two leaders will decide.
Leaders of suspended BRS party consider forming a new political party
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