Hyderabad: BRS chief K Chandrasekhar Rao has announced the 115 names for the upcoming Assembly elections. Now, the candidates are busy shopping for vehicles to be used in their poll campaigns. Some MLAs have already purchased multiple vehicles, including expensive brands like Land Cruiser and Defender. They believe that having a strong fleet of cars is necessary for campaigning in villages and mandals.
Nagarjuna Sagar MLA N Bharat and Thungathurthy MLA G Kishore have already bought new vehicles and are using them for campaign purposes. Many MLAs have placed orders for new cars from showrooms in Hyderabad. They plan to shift these vehicles to their constituencies once they are delivered. The MLAs have requested the showrooms to expedite the delivery as they want to start campaigning vigorously from September.
While some MLAs are hiring vehicles for transportation purposes, others in Greater Hyderabad limits are considering buying pre-owned cars. The MLAs are in a hurry to buy these cars because they will be counted as election expenses once the Election Commission of India issues the poll notification.