Gadwal: A special event was held to pay tribute to former Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri on his birth anniversary. The tribute was led by former ZP (Zilla Parishad) Chairperson and Congress Party Gadwal Constituency In-Charge, Sarithamma, along with Municipal Chairman, B.S. Keshav.
Sarithamma spoke about the values that Shastri embodied. She described him as a leader who lived with patriotism, honesty, and a commitment to truth. Inspired by Mahatma Gandhi, Shastri also valued self-respect and purity in his leadership.
To honor his legacy, Sarithamma, B.S. Keshav, and other Congress Party members gathered at the Smriti Vanam on Rajiv Marg in Gadwal. They offered floral garlands to Shastri’s statue as a mark of respect.
During her speech, Sarithamma highlighted Shastri’s key contributions as a central minister and Prime Minister of India. She recalled how he considered soldiers and farmers equally important, with soldiers defending the country and farmers providing food. She also mentioned his famous slogan, “Jai Jawan, Jai Kisan,” which emphasizes the importance of both soldiers and farmers.
Sarithamma further explained how Shastri played a crucial role in the Green Revolution, which improved agricultural productivity in India. Additionally, he supported the White Revolution, boosting milk production across the country.
The event was attended by several Congress Party councillors, former councillors, public representatives from various areas, senior leaders, and many party workers.