Hyderabad: K.T. Rama Rao (KTR), the former IT Minister of Telangana, visited the residence of former minister T. Padma Rao on Tuesday to check on his health. KTR was joined by MLC K. Kavitha and Minister for Animal Husbandry Talasani Srinivas Yadav during the visit.
Padma Rao had recently returned to Hyderabad after facing health issues while traveling in Uttarakhand. Concerned about his well-being, KTR and other leaders of the Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS) decided to visit him to show their support.
The leaders spent time with Padma Rao and his family, wishing him a quick recovery. KTR assured them of any assistance they might need and emphasized the TRS party’s commitment to caring for its senior members.
Padma Rao, a veteran politician, has held various important roles in the state and continues to be a respected figure in Telangana’s political community.