IT and Industries Minister KT Rama Rao has finally concluded his two-week business tour to the UK and the US. During his two-week stay, KTR has actively engaged himself in 80+ business meetings, along with attending five sector-specific meetings. He has also spoken at two conferences about Telangana’s achievements so far and how they can be implemented globally.
These business meetings took place in London, Houston, Washington DC, New York, Boston, and Henderson, covering significant parts of the US. At the World Environmental and Water Resource Congress, held by the American Society of civil engineers on May 20, KTR spoke about the success of the Telangana water projects of Bhagiratha and Kaleshwaram. Along with that at the ‘Ideas for India’ conference held in London, KTR spoke about why India needs to adapt to the Telangana model.
With the collaboration and investment from global companies such as – Disney, the London stock exchange, State Street, Bain Capital, and Warner Bros, now Telangana is set to expand and generate 42,000 jobs which has to ability to create 3 to 4 indirect jobs. Another Prolific achievement was KTR ‘s meeting with NRI and CEOs of more than 30 companies, to emphasize the development of Telangana’s II-tier cities and to discuss how the measures implemented by the state government have encouraged IT companies to begin their operations.
With Sonata software engineering company expanding the IT Tower, with additional 200 open jobs in Nalgonda, IT operations are to successfully expand beyond Hyderabad. KTR has also addressed the remarkable growth of Telangana during the round table conference organized in London by the High Commissioner of India to highlight the state’s economic growth, and industrial policies taken by the state government, to create a thriving, innovation system in Hyderabad.
The state will celebrate global investments and 42,000 accomplished jobs during the Celebrations of Telangana formation day to honor the progress achieved under the leadership of CM K . Chandra Shekar Rao.