IT Minister K T Rama Rao has demanded that Prime Minister Narendra Modi withdraw his comments against Telangana and Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao. Accompanied by BC Welfare Minister Koppula Eshwar, he laid the foundation stone for road works in Peddapalli municipality. The road works will cost Rs 98 crore and development works will cost Rs 36.50 crore.
During the event, KTR distributed sanction orders to the beneficiaries of Gruha Lakshmi and Dalit Bandhu Schemes. He also addressed a Pragathi Nivedana Sabha, where he criticized PM Modi for speaking without knowledge. KTR stated that no matter how many lies Modi tells, the BJP will not gain support in Telangana elections. He highlighted that KCR is the only Chief Minister who waived Rs 37,000 crore of loans during the Covid crisis. KTR also mentioned how the Centre had asked the State people to eat broken rice when the BRS government asked it to purchase paddy.
KTR further criticized Modi for his different policies towards Gujarat and Telangana. He demanded that Modi withdraw his comments accusing KCR of cheating in the name of loan waiver. Refuting Modi’s claim that BRS is a family party, KTR stated that BRS is indeed a family party and for CM KCR, the entire Telangana is his family.
KTR questioned the actions of the Congress party during its 11 times in power over 55 years. He pointed out that Congress did not implement schemes like Rythu Bandhu, Rythu Bima, Dalit Bandhu, BC Bandhu, Minority Bandhu, and Kalyana Lakshmi. KTR urged the public to re-elect Peddapalli sitting MLA Dasari Manohar Reddy with a huge majority. He emphasized how Peddapalli has transformed from a village panchayat to a district headquarters under CM KCR’s leadership.
Lastly, KTR described Congress leader A Revanth Reddy as a thief and accused Congress of receiving funds from Delhi and Karnataka. He urged the public to take money from Congress leaders but vote for KCR only.