Minister KT Rama Rao has instructed officials to focus on providing safe drinking water, sanitation, and preventing waterborne diseases in all Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) in Telangana. Following the end of a week-long period of heavy rain, the Minister held a teleconference with officials from the Municipal department, Additional Collectors, and Municipal Commissioners to discuss these issues. Relief operations in flood-affected areas were also addressed during the meeting.
During the teleconference, officials were told to prioritize preventing loss of life and to regularly check the water levels in urban ponds with the help of the Irrigation department. If necessary, people in low-lying areas should be evacuated. Municipal officials were given specific instructions to conduct special sanitation drives and increase the number of vehicles and sanitary workers available. Spraying disinfectants and using bleaching powder and sodium hypochlorite should also be done extensively to control mosquito populations.
To ensure safe drinking water supply, ULBs should coordinate with Mission Bhagiratha teams and repair any pipeline leakages. Preventing the spread of communicable diseases should be given top priority, and special health camps should be organized in all areas of towns in coordination with DMHO and the Indian Medical Association.