BRS working president KT Rama Rao asked Union Minister Bandi Sanjay Kumar to help establish a mega power loom cluster in Sircilla. He mentioned that since the BJP-led government is in charge, Bandi should talk to PM Narendra Modi about bringing this project to Sircilla.
KTR expressed disappointment that despite his efforts over the past decade, he did not receive a proper response from the Centre regarding the power loom cluster. He emphasized that now that Bandi is an MP for the second time and a minister, it is the right moment to support the weavers of Sircilla.
KTR also mentioned that the Congress government did not pay attention to requests for help for Sircilla weavers. He stressed that setting up a mega power loom cluster in Sircilla could alleviate some of the weavers’ issues and reduce suicides in the area.
He urged Bandi to fulfill the promises made to the people of Telangana about development and ensure that Karimnagar and Sircilla benefit from his tenure as a leader.