Hyderabad: The BRS working president, KT Rama Rao, announced that he will be taking legal action against Minister Konda Surekha and MLA Y Srinivas Reddy for accusing him of tapping their phones. This comes after allegations made by Srinivas Reddy and KK Mahender that their phones were tapped on Rama Rao’s orders.
Rama Rao stated that he will be filing defamation cases against both individuals and will also be sending legal notices to news outlets that are spreading this information without verifying the facts. He demanded an apology from those making baseless allegations or they will face legal consequences.
Konda Surekha had accused Rama Rao of phone-tapping and threatening some film personalities. Rama Rao has already sent legal notices to around 20 news channels, digital media outlets, and YouTube for their coverage of the allegations.