The Telangana Municipal and Urban Development minister, KTR, met with the victims of a recent fire accident in Khammam. He called the incident unfortunate and said that an investigation will reveal if there was a conspiracy. The families of the deceased will receive Rs.10 lakh as compensation, and the injured will receive better medical services. The state government will support the workers of BRS party.
The accident happened on April 12 in Chimalapadu, where four people died and four others were seriously injured due to an accidental gas cylinder explosion in a hut. The accident occurred near the meeting premises of BRS party Atmeeya Sammelanam.
CM KCR expressed shock and sorrow over this incident and called District Minister Puvvada Ajay and MP Nama Nageshwar Rao to find out more information. The state government has announced a compensation of Rs.10 lakh each to the families of the deceased and Rs.2 lakh each to the injured.