Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS) working president K T Rama Rao has sent legal notices to Telangana Minister Konda Surekha, MLA Yennam Srinivas Reddy, and Congress leader K Mahender Reddy for defamation in a phone tapping case. KTR, as he is popularly known, has also sent notices to media organizations and YouTube channels.
He has given them one week to apologize, or else he will start defamation proceedings. KTR has made it clear that he will not tolerate baseless allegations and will take legal action against anyone, even Chief Minister A. Revanth Reddy. Environment and Forest Minister Konda Surekha has been served a notice for making false statements about KTR’s involvement in phone tapping.
KTR’s counsel has asked the minister to withdraw her statement, apologize, and refrain from further defamatory acts. If she does not comply within seven days, legal action will be taken. Similar notices were issued to MLA Yennam Srinivas Reddy and Congress leader K. Mahender Reddy, who sought a probe into KTR’s alleged role in phone tapping.
MLA Srinivas Reddy lodged a complaint about his phones being tapped before the polls, claiming it was done on the orders of a former BRS minister. Mahender Reddy said that senior political leaders threatened him based on phone tapping to prevent BRS corporators from joining the Congress.