The IT and MA&UD Minister, KT Rama Rao, shared a heartwarming success story of two beneficiaries of the Dalit Bandhu scheme on Twitter. These two individuals, Ragula Sagar and Nerella Sekhar from Chandurti village, used to work as drivers. However, thanks to the scheme, they were able to become bus owners.
Ragula Sagar and Nerella Sekhar utilized the Rs 20 lakh provided by the Dalit Bandhu scheme and also took a loan of Rs 22 lakh from SBI. With this financial assistance, they were able to tie up their bus with TSRTC and now run it profitably between Siricilla to Warangal.
This success story showcases how the Dalit Bandhu scheme has helped individuals transition from being drivers to becoming owners. It is a testament to the empowerment and opportunities created by the scheme for Dalit communities.