KT Rama Rao, the Minister for Municipal Administration and Urban Development, unveiled a statue of Dr. B R Ambedkar at Punjagutta Circle in Hyderabad on Friday. He was joined by Ministers Koppula Eshwar, Mahmood Ali, Errabelli Dayakar Rao, MLA Danam Nagender, GHMC Mayor Gadwal Vijaya Laxmi and other corporators.
Minister KT Rama Rao spoke about the immense contributions of Dr. B R Ambedkar to the country, saying that without him, Telangana would not exist. The Telangana State was formed because of the Indian Constitution drafted by B R Ambedkar. He also praised the Chief Minister of Telangana for launching the Dalit Bandu scheme, which has benefited thousands of people from the Dalit community.
The Minister suggested that since the Telangana Secretariat new building was named after B R Ambedkar, the Union Government should also name the new Parliament building after him.