In Hyderabad, BRS working president KT Rama Rao mentioned that a survey showed silent voters were supporting the party in the Lok Sabha elections. He predicted that Congress would only win one seat in the state. Rama Rao also spoke with party candidates who reported positive election results. He identified Nalgonda as a potential win for Congress among the 17 seats, with BRS leading in Nagarkurnool, Secunderabad, Malkajgiri, Karimnagar, Khammam, Medak, and Chevella. The competition is tough between BRS and BJP in Peddapally, Adilabad, and Nizamabad.
Rama Rao accused Congress of using dummy candidates in Malkajgiri and Karimnagar. He also predicted YS Jagan Mohan Reddy’s victory in Andhra Pradesh and highlighted the influence of money in elections. Additionally, he emphasized the importance of the government focusing on agriculture and supporting farmers by providing a bonus of Rs 500 per quintal.
Rama Rao’s survey suggested silent voters favored BRS in the Lok Sabha elections, while he believed Congress would only secure one seat in the state. He listed areas where BRS was leading and noted tough competition with BJP in certain constituencies. Rama Rao accused Congress of fielding dummy candidates and predicted YS Jagan Mohan Reddy’s victory in Andhra Pradesh due to financial influence in elections. He also emphasized the need for government support for farmers in agriculture.