The birth anniversary celebrations of former Prime Minister PV Narasimha Rao were held at Telangana Bhavan in Hyderabad on Friday. BRS party working president KT Rama Rao paid tribute to PV at his portrait, along with PV’s daughter and BRS party MLC Surabhi Vani Devi, party MLA Jagadish Reddy, and other leaders.
During the event, KTR spoke about PV’s contributions, highlighting that he was the first South Indian leader to become Prime Minister in Delhi. KTR praised PV for his economic reforms and leadership, stating that PV’s services to the nation are unforgettable. He emphasized how PV’s economic direction helped the country avoid disaster.
KTR also mentioned that PV’s legacy as a multi-faceted genius will never be forgotten. PV Narasimha Rao’s impact on the country through economic reforms is a significant part of his legacy.