BRS Working President and Minister K T Rama Rao released a CD and booklet titled “100 Lies of BJP.” The CD and booklet were released on Monday at Pragathi Bhavan. The initiative was driven by BRS social media convenors Krishank Manne, Dinesh Chowdary, Y Satish Reddy, and P Jagan Mohan Rao.
The “100 Lies of BJP” is a series by BRS social media that exposes how BJP has failed to fulfill its promises to Telangana and the country. Minister KTR appreciated the efforts of the convenors and called it a good campaign. BRS social media ran the campaign #100AbadhaalaBJP for the past 4 months, exposing BJP’s lies every day.
The initiative covers failed promises of BJP, including job creation, inflation, GST burden, internet access for every household, Housing for All, and promises from the Andhra Pradesh Reorganisation Act such as Bayyaram Steel factory, ITIR, Kazipet coach factory, Adilabad CCI, ST reservation for Valmiki and Boya, among others. This campaign also exposed Telangana state BJP leaders.
MP B B Patil, MLA Vivekanand Goud, and others were also present at the event. Eom