Hyderabad: KT Rama Rao, the working president of BRS, spoke at a road show in Parigi on Monday. He urged the people to choose between Congress and power, Rythu Bandhu and Raabandu (vultures), and schemes and scams. KTR criticized the Congress in Telangana for having many Chief Minister candidates, including Jana Reddy who wasn’t even contesting in the election. He asked the audience if they wanted a Chief Minister who kept everything secret or if they preferred the current government. KTR mentioned that farmers from Karnataka regretted electing the Congress in their state, as it worsened their problems. He also stated that the Congress only used minorities for their own benefit and didn’t truly help them, while CM K Chandrashekar Rao worked for their welfare. KTR highlighted the various schemes implemented by BRS, including the Dalit Bandhu scheme, increased reservations for the tribal community, establishment of Gurukul schools, scholarships for studying abroad, and resolving water and electricity issues.
KTR labels Congress as ‘scamgress’
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