KT Rama Rao, Telangana IT Minister and Bharat Rashtra Samithi working president, has expressed concerns that the delimitation of Lok Sabha seats after 2026 on the basis of population would be unjust to southern states. Reports suggest that the BJP-led government at the Centre may take up the delimitation process of Parliamentary constituencies if the BJP retains power in 2024 general elections. The new Parliament building has thrice the number of seats with enough space for 888 members, and the new Rajya Sabha has the capacity to seat 384 members.
Rama Rao believes that it is unfair and painful that southern states may get fewer Lok Sabha seats due to delimitation while northern states benefit from the increase in seats. He claimed that northern states that “do not control” the population despite central government appeals would benefit. Southern states like Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Telangana, which have controlled population, are being punished for their progressive policies.
Rama Rao said that southern states not only control their population but also lead in human development indicators. Southern states with only 18% population contribute to 35% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and are contributing to national economic development and the country as a whole. He made an appeal to the leaders and people of southern states to speak out against the “injustice” going beyond politics.