The Minister for Municipal and Urban Development in Telangana, K Taraka Ramarao, criticized the state president of BJP, Bandi Sanjay. He said that the people in Karimnagar are unfortunate to have Sanjay as their MP. KTR also accused Sanjay of resorting to politics in the name of religion. KTR made these comments while speaking at the BRS Praja ashirwad Sabha in Husnabad, Siddipet District. He had come there to lay the foundation for some development activities.
KTR urged people to vote for Vinod and Satish in the coming elections. He said that they should win with a huge majority. The minister also talked about the Kaleswaram project. He said that the Telangana government is taking steps to ensure that every farm field receives water for irrigation. This will help in eradicating drought in the state.