IT Minister and BRS working president, KTR, along with sitting MLA for Nakrekal, addressed a large gathering at a road show in Chityal on Tuesday. KTR criticized the Congress party, saying that if they were elected, their government would be filled with internal conflicts and there would be a new Chief Minister every six months. This would prevent the government from focusing on the people’s issues. He made fun of the Congress party’s promise of a new CM every six months.
During the road show, KTR, along with BRS MLA candidate Chirumarthi Lingaiah, urged the people to reject wealthy politicians from the Congress party, such as the Komatireddy brothers. He promised that if KCR became CM for the third time, the state would experience a better future and the lives of the poor would improve.
KTR highlighted the achievements of the BRS government over the past ten years and explained how their manifesto would help those living below the poverty line. He assured the people of Chityal that if they elected Chirumarthi Lingaiah as their MLA again, polytechnic colleges would be established in the area. He also promised the completion of the Chityal flyover and Brahmana Vellemla project. KTR mocked the Congress party for not naming their CM candidate and made fun of Jana Reddy and Uttam Kumar Reddy for different reasons.
KTR expressed confidence that BRS would win both Nalgonda and Nakrekal constituencies. He warned that if the Congress party came back to power, farmers would only receive three hours of power supply. The road show was attended by ZP chairman Banda Narender Reddy, Rajya Sabha Member Badugula Lingaiah Yadav, Chada Kishan Reddy, Gutha Amith Reddy, and many others.