Telangana Chief Minister KT Rama Rao responded to Rahul Gandhi’s speech at a public meeting in Khammam. He clarified that Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS) is not affiliated with the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). Rao criticized the Congress party, calling it the party of corrupt politicians. He emphasized that the Congress is responsible for the history of scams that led to the downfall of the UPA government.
Rao assured that BRS is not a political ally of either the BJP or the Congress. He stated that BRS can independently defeat both parties. He accused the Congress of targeting BRS by using the BJP as a shield, as they are unable to confront BRS directly. Rao predicted that it is the misfiring and collapse of the Congress that lies ahead.
Rao expressed that the people of Telangana will not forgive Rahul Gandhi for his remarks about removing the Dharani portal and bringing back corrupt practices in land dealings. He highlighted the success of the people of Karnataka in defeating the BJP and questioned Gandhi’s awareness about the ongoing distribution of lands to the underprivileged.
Rao emphasized that BRS has always supported the poor in Telangana, while criticizing the Congress for siding with brokers and corrupt individuals. He asserted his control over the party and compared his own rule to a time of enlightenment, contrasting it with what he deemed a dark chapter during the Congress’s ten-year reign. Rao questioned why the Congress is nervous about the expansion of BRS across the country.
He concluded by referring to BRS as a valuable weapon, likening it to a diamond discovered during a national celebration called Vajrotsavam.