On Sunday, the working president of Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS), K.T. Rama Rao, challenged Prime Minister Narendra Modi to identify a state that has performed better than Telangana in all areas over the past nine years. Following Modi’s public address in Hyderabad, Rama Rao took to Twitter to issue his challenge, listing the state’s accomplishments and expressing disappointment that the Prime Minister had not acknowledged them. Rama Rao accused Modi of failing to recognize Telangana’s success for political reasons. He cited Telangana’s high per capita growth, its provision of drinking water to all homes, the completion of the world’s largest lift irrigation project, and its status as the second-highest paddy producer and top IT job creator in India. Rama Rao also highlighted Telangana’s 7.7% growth in green cover, 26 municipal awards, and its ranking as one of the top four contributors to Indian GDP and a top-three state for ease of doing business. He praised Telangana’s industrial policy and its status as home to India’s largest textile park, the Kakatiya Mega Textile Park (KMTP). Additionally, Rama Rao noted that Telangana is a vaccine hub and has the highest per capita power consumption and second-largest renewable energy production in India. Finally, he stated that Telangana has the lowest corruption rate in India according to a recent survey by the Centre for the Study of Developing Societies (CSDS) and has won numerous international accolades.
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