The State Industries Department in Telangana held an event called the Telangana Parishramika Pragathi Dhinotsavam (Industrial Growth Day) at T Hub. The event received a great response, and State Industries and Commerce Minister KT Rama Rao spoke about the government’s commitment to attracting investments and creating job opportunities. The minister shared Telangana’s impressive progress in various sectors and unveiled reports highlighting the state’s achievements.
Telangana currently has the highest per capita income in the country, standing at Rs 3.17 lakh, and its Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP) has increased significantly from Rs 5 lakh crore in 2014 to Rs 13.27 lakh crore today. The IT sector has also grown substantially, with IT exports surging from Rs 57,000 crore in 2014 to Rs 2.40 lakh crore in 2022-23. Telangana’s progress extends across various sectors, including agriculture, benefiting all strata of society.
The minister highlighted Telangana’s model of development, which aims to achieve economic, social, and industrial progress in harmony. He also praised the establishment of T-Hub, the largest technology hub and workspace in the country, and proclaimed Hyderabad as the vaccine capital of the world.
The recently launched Telangana Mobility Valley is expected to make significant contributions to the state’s progress in the automobile industry. The IT sector has nearly tripled its workforce from 3.23 lakh employees to 9.5 lakh at present, stimulating other sectors like real estate. Secretary to IT and Industry, Jayesh Ranjan, and other top officials were also present at the event.