The Industries Minister KT Rama Rao and Karimnagar MP Bandi Sanjay Kumar got into a fight on social media over the Centre not granting national project status to the Palamuru-Ranga Reddy irrigation project. The argument started when the Prime Minister was visiting Telangana. The BRS leader criticized the BJP’s lack of assistance to the project in the past 10 years. In response, Bandi listed the reasons why the project couldn’t be granted national status, including a shortfall of Krishna water allocation and a delay in submitting the revised project report. Bandi also questioned when the relevant approvals for national project status would be obtained. He advised the minister to take action instead of just tweeting. Bandi shared a clarification by the Jala Shakti Minister in Parliament stating that the State government had not submitted a proposal for national project status.
KTR and Bandi engage in heated Twitter dispute regarding the national status of PRRLI project
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