Telangana IT and Industry minister, KT Rama Rao, expressed his delight over the recent comments made by Super Star Rajnikanth regarding the fast-paced development of Telangana. Rajnikanth praised Telangana’s growth in various sectors, including IT development, during a program in Andhra Pradesh. He also mentioned that Hyderabad’s infrastructure and civic amenities surpass those of many US cities like New York and Washington.
In response to a question raised in the Assembly, KTS pointed out that several celebrities have been praising Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao for taking Telangana to another level of development. He urged the opposition parties to understand why Rajnikanth spoke highly of Telangana.
KTR proudly claimed that Telangana is ranked number one in all sectors, including IT, Metro Rail, education, and more.