Hyderabad: The working president of the BRS, KT Rama Rao, criticized the BJP for bringing up the movie ‘Razakar’ and playing with people’s emotions. He stated that the BJP has nothing to show in terms of development and is resorting to movies like ‘Razakar’, ‘Kashmir Files’, and others to manipulate people’s feelings. Rao also accused PM Modi of looting the country and favoring Adani. He suggested that if Kishan Reddy truly cared about Telangana, he should protest in front of Modi’s house to demand jobs for unemployed youth.
Rao also criticized Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi of the Congress party for seeking another chance. He questioned their track record of promises fulfilled during their 11 times in power and warned that voting for Congress would lead to trouble for Telangana. He pointed out that the Congress cannot guarantee who will become the CM and accused them of making false promises.
Rao cited the example of Karnataka where the Congress came to power through lies and diverted funds meant for the Dalit sub plan. He mentioned the power crisis in Karnataka and Deputy Chief Minister DK Shivakumar’s statement about the lack of funds for development. Rao concluded by stating that the Congress is making unimplementable promises out of frustration for being out of power.