Telangana has made great progress in its growth, according to IT Minister K T Rama Rao. The Chief Minister of Telangana, K Chandrasekhar Rao, has transformed barren land into fertile land and created green fields, benefiting farmers. Women used to face drinking water problems, but KCR changed this. The government is now ready to distribute 17,000 acres to Podu farmers in Mulugu constituency. The government has also improved healthcare services, with a sense of trust in State-run hospitals. The number of institutional deliveries has increased to 80%. The government is also building a medical college for Mulugu.
Minister for Panchayat Raj Errabelli Dayakar Rao said that KCR has helped develop Mulugu district by supplying drinking water to all areas. This is in contrast to Maharashtra and Chhattisgarh where people are facing water and power problems. Minister for Tribal Welfare Satyavathi Rathod said that the Centre has not supported the demand for a tribal university in Mulugu or the national status of Sammakka Saralamma jatara.
KTR also visited the Ramappa Temple and launched irrigation day fetes as part of Telangana Formation Day celebrations. During his visit, he laid foundation stones for various development works worth Rs 150 crore, including an integrated district offices complex, a digital library, a model bus station, and the Sant Sevalal building. He also inaugurated buildings for five model police stations.