The Nandagopala Yadava Sangam celebrated Krishnashtami with a grand pooja at Srikrishna Devasthanam in Patakota. They also organized a worship ceremony and ‘Utla Panduga’ at the Yadava Sangam building. In the afternoon, a procession took place with girls dressed as ‘gopis’ and boys as ‘Krishnas.’ The town witnessed various festivities such as Kolatas, dancing, Dillampallem, and a youth DJ event. Municipal chairman Gattu Yadav, Ex-ZPTC Venkataiah, Ex-councillor and union president Satish Yadav, town president Chinnaiah Yadav, Councilors Pakanati Krishnaiah and Erpula Ravi, along with others, participated in the celebrations.
Krishnashtami celebration in Wanaparthy filled with excitement and joy
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