The budget session of the Telangana Legislative Assembly is starting on Thursday. Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy and Leader of Opposition K Chandrasekhar Rao will have heated arguments about sharing Krishna waters. The session will last for about a week and the Finance Minister will present the vote-on-account budget. Important issues to be discussed include the launch of two guarantees – Rs 500 per gas cylinder and 200 units of free power supply to white ration card holders.
It is uncertain if KCR will respond to the government’s charges or let former irrigation minister T Harish Rao handle it. KCR will attend the session, but may not stay long due to recovering from recent hip replacement surgery. The Krishna water sharing issue has become a major topic during the campaign for the upcoming Lok Sabha elections.
The state government is considering banning hookah parlours in the city and making a policy decision on BC caste census. They will also present a vigilance report on Kaleshwaram and a whitepaper on irrigation, along with their stance on handing over projects to the KRMB. The whitepaper will expose alleged corruption in major irrigation projects, including Kaleshwaram, under the previous BRS government. The vigilance report will cover damage to Medigadda barrage and Annaram and Sundilla pumphouses.
Chief Minister Revanth Reddy wants to take advantage of election time by targeting the failures of the previous BRS government in the Assembly. Before starting an intensified campaign, he will explain how Hyderabad became a hub for drug trafficking during the previous government’s rule and the measures his government has taken to combat drug mafia. The government believes that hookah parlours in posh Banjara Hills have become centers for drug consumption.