Eight members of the banned CPI-Maoist group were arrested by police in Bhadradri Kothagudem on Wednesday. The arrested individuals were part of the banned CPI-Maoist Party Militia Committee and have been identified as Madakam Bhudra, Madakam Joga, Madvi Sanna, Madvi Bhima, Madvi Anda, Madivi Bhima, Kalma Dula, and Kalma Hadama.
The arrests were made during a joint operation conducted by Charla Police, Special Party personnel, and CRPF personnel in the Tippapuram forest area of Charla Mandal. These individuals were part of the Kanchala Rasapalli RPC Militia Committee of the Pamed Area Committee of the banned CPI-Maoist Party and had been working with the group for the last two years.
According to Assistant Superintendent of Police Paritosh Pankaj, the arrested individuals had placed a bomb on the BT road between Gorukonda and Chennapuram villages with the intention of killing policemen. The bomb was discovered and neutralized by the authorities.
The statement also revealed that the banned CPI-Maoist Party has been harassing tribal people in the border villages of Telangana-Chhattisgarh states by organizing meetings in the name of Martyrs’ Weeks. Those who do not attend these meetings have been threatened and fined.
A case has been filed against the arrested individuals at Charla Police Station under various sections of the law. The accused have been taken to Bhadrachalam Court for judicial remand.