Congress MP Komatireddy Venkat Reddy announced that he will run in the upcoming State Assembly elections for Nalgonda Assembly constituency. He is confident that he will win. He stated that he was not informed about Telangana Congress Pradesh Committee (TPCC) president Revanth Reddy’s proposed ‘Nirudyoga Deeksha’ program to be held at Nalgonda on April 28. He found out about the program from Nalgonda MP Uttam Kumar Reddy.
Congress Legislature Party leader Batti Vikramarka is currently doing a Padayatra which will reach Nalgonda district in the first week of June. The party plans to organize a large public meeting to celebrate this occasion, which will be attended by their leader Priyanka Gandhi.
Venkat Reddy accused Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao of deceiving minorities by promising to increase reservations. He demanded that the State government immediately implement 12 percent reservation for minorities. He also demanded that the State government construct double bedroom houses for Dalits, minorities, and other poor sections.