Hyderabad: Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy has set a big goal for the Komatireddy brothers in the Bhongir constituency. The CM wants their close aide, Chalama Kiran Kumar Reddy, to win from their party in this area.
During a meeting at Komatireddy Rajgopal Reddy’s house in Jubilee Hills, Revanth promised a Cabinet position to the younger brother of the Komatireddy family. They had earlier pushed for his wife to be the candidate. Revanth wants the local heavyweights from Nalgonda district to support and lead the political campaign for their chosen candidate. Rajgopal Reddy will be in charge of the campaign in the Bhongir constituency.
The Bhongir seat was previously held by both brothers, with Komatireddy Venkat Reddy being the latest before becoming an MLA. Revanth visited Rajgopal’s house to secure their support.
In the 2019 elections, Venkat Reddy won with a small margin against TRS candidate Boora Narsaiah. The BJP came in third place. A decade ago, Rajgopal won with a large majority, but he lost in the following election to Boora Narsaiah. Now, Boora Narsaiah is a candidate for the BJP and Kyama Mallesh is running for the BRS party.
Caste dynamics will be important in this election, as Bhongir has a significant number of BC voters. The Congress candidate is from the Reddy community, while the BJP and BRS candidates represent BC castes.