State BJP chief G Kishan Reddy announced that the party’s ‘Vijaya Sankalpa Yatra’ will kick off on Tuesday with the goal of winning all 17 Parliament seats in Telangana. The yatra will cover all Assembly constituencies in the state and will run until March 2. Reddy sought the blessings of Goddess Bhagya Lakshmi before beginning the yatra.
The yatra will consist of five different legs, with each leg covering specific areas and constituencies. Various state and national leaders will be inaugurating different legs of the yatra. The yatra will cover a total distance of 5,500 km and meet people in all 17 LS segments and 114 out of 119 Assembly segments in the state.
During the yatra, there will be road shows, meetings with various groups like farmers, unemployed individuals, self-help groups, and artisans. The aim is to inform people about the development, welfare schemes, and reforms undertaken by the Modi government over the last 10 years. Reddy also highlighted the failures of the BRS government and the corruption within the Congress party.
Reddy emphasized the importance of supporting Modi’s leadership and ensuring the success of the yatra. The party will focus on creating awareness among farmers about the government’s support through schemes like PM Kisan Samman Yojana. Reddy also paid tribute to Chhatrapati Shivaji on his 394th birth anniversary and launched the BJP Jana Sandesh digital magazine.