Union Minister and State BJP chief G Kishan Reddy stated that voting for the Congress and BRS candidates in the Lok Sabha elections in Telangana won’t be beneficial. He urged people to vote for BJP in all 17 LS seats to strengthen Modi’s leadership and ensure the country is in safe hands. Reddy made these remarks during the ‘Vijaya Sankalpa Yatra’ at a meeting in Toopran, Medak district.
Reddy mentioned that the BRS has become irrelevant and voting for the pink party candidates in the elections won’t benefit the State either. He criticized the Congress, calling it a leaderless and agenda-less party. Reddy also pointed out that the Congress is uncertain of retaining its current strength of 40 seats in the Lok Sabha.
The Union Minister urged the people of Telangana to elect BJP candidates in all 17 LS seats to strengthen Modi’s leadership and continue the mission of development and welfare for all sections of society. He accused the BRS and Congress of conspiring against the BJP in Telangana, but expressed confidence that the people are smart enough to see through their gambles.
Reddy criticized the Congress for making unrealistic promises to come to power in Telangana, despite knowing the precarious financial situation of the State. He contrasted this with the Modi government’s corruption-free governance and the various welfare measures taken up under Modi’s leadership. Reddy emphasized the importance of reaching out to youth, women, farmers, and other sections in villages to create awareness about the development initiatives undertaken by the Centre.