Union Minister and Telangana BJP chief G Kishan Reddy spoke to party members in Chevella about the country’s development under PM Modi’s leadership. He highlighted the improvements in various sectors over the past 10 years, contrasting it with the previous situation of terror, communal clashes, and corruption.
Reddy praised the country’s transformation from being import-dependent to achieving self-reliance and becoming an export-oriented nation. He criticized the Congress for their manifesto promising to restore Article 370 in Jammu and Kashmir, emphasizing BJP’s stance on the issue. He warned that people in J&K would not allow Congress leaders to enter if they attempt to do so.
He also criticized the Congress manifesto for being anti-Hindu and warned against their proposal to scrap GST, predicting it would lead to scandals. Reddy questioned Rahul Gandhi and CM A Revanth Reddy on unfulfilled promises made during elections, specifically regarding farm loan waivers and financial support for farmers.
Overall, Reddy emphasized the progress made under PM Modi’s leadership and criticized the Congress for their proposed policies and unfulfilled promises in Telangana.