G Kishan Reddy, the State BJP chief, has demanded an immediate meeting of the Dam Safety Authority (DSA) to inspect the safety of the Kaleswaram Lift Irrigation Project (KLIP). He expressed concerns about the sinking pillars of the KLIP Lakshmi barrage and criticized the government for remaining silent on the issue. Reddy also mentioned that engineers and politicians were obstructed from visiting the site. MLA Eatala Rajender will be inspecting the pillars, as several engineers have expressed reservations about the project. Reddy criticized Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao for ignoring expert reservations and increasing project estimates. He also highlighted the previous incident of the KLIP pump house getting submerged in Godavari floods. Reddy questioned the amount of water provided to farmers under the project and mentioned that only about 150 tmcft has been lifted in the last five years.
Kishan urges CM to contact DSA for KLIP dam safety assessment
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