Union Minister G Kishan Reddy strongly condemned the police lathi-charge on protesting farmers and BJP workers in Nirmal district. He warned Chief Minister K Chandrasekhara Rao that if he does not address people’s grievances and withdraw the proposed Nirmal Master Plan, he will have sleepless nights in the future. Former MLA Maheshwar Reddy went on a hunger strike for four days against the plan, but the government did not respond. In response, BJP workers protested at the Nirmal Bus Stand area, but instead of addressing their concerns, the state government used the police to lathi-charge them. Kishan Reddy instructed district leaders to provide medical treatment to injured farmers. He criticized the government for ignoring problems and making people’s lives more complicated. Kishan Reddy warned that CM KCR will have sleepless nights if the government does not withdraw the Nirmal Master Plan.
Kishan Reddy, Union Minister, firmly denounces lathi charge against farmers in Nirmal district
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