Union Minister and Telangana BJP chief G Kishan Reddy criticized the Congress party for making false promises to farmers in order to gain power in the state. He highlighted the neglect of farmers by the state government and emphasized the support provided by the Centre for the procurement process.
Kishan Reddy pointed out the challenges faced by farmers under the previous regime and accused the BRS chief of failing to fulfill promises made to farmers. He claimed that farmers feel betrayed after bringing the Congress party to power in hopes of better policies.
The Congress party had made over 400 assurances in its election manifesto, but Kishan Reddy questioned their ability to fulfill these promises. He criticized the Congress for not living up to their commitments and accused them of following in the footsteps of the previous government in neglecting certain communities.
Kishan Reddy expressed disappointment in the current state of affairs in Telangana, where he believes one family rule has been replaced by another. He criticized the Congress government for continuing the trend of neglecting marginalized communities and failing to bring about positive change for farmers.