Telangana Bharatiya Janata Party State President and Union Minister Kishan Reddy criticized Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao, saying that the state is accumulating a lot of debt. Reddy expressed his concern about the government selling its assets, as he believes this will lead to the collapse of the system. He accused KCR of reading 80,000 books just to bring down the system.
Reddy also accused the BRS and Congress parties of collaborating and shared his criticism of the KCR government for providing 10 acres of land to the Congress party. He pointed out the hypocrisy of Minister KTR, who opposed land sales by the previous Chief Minister but is now doing the same thing after coming to power. Reddy emphasized the importance of preserving land for future generations.
In summary, Kishan Reddy criticized Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao for accumulating debt and selling government assets. He accused KCR of intentionally undermining the system and criticized the collaboration between BRS and Congress parties. Reddy also highlighted the hypocrisy of Minister KTR in regards to land sales.