State BJP chief and Union Minister of Culture and Tourism, G Kishan Reddy, announced that the party will celebrate Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s birthday starting from September 17. The celebration will take place in every village as part of Telangana Liberation Day. This marks the completion of 75 years since Telangana freed itself from the dictatorial and religious regime of the erstwhile Nizam.
The BJP leadership plans to visit the villages attacked by the Razakars and honor the Telangana freedom fighters. They aim to carry forward their spirit and work towards the progress of the state. Kishan Reddy welcomed prominent leaders and former people’s representatives from Zaheerabad district.
He questioned why Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao and the Kalwakuntla family are afraid of BJP leaders visiting Gajwel. He asked if Gajwel truly showcases development, ensures every eligible Dalit receives Dalit Bandhu, and provides double bedroom houses to eligible beneficiaries. He also questioned why people are being arrested when there were no farmer suicides.
Kishan Reddy further criticized the BJP parading Venktaramireddy in different places across Nizamabad district after his arrest. He warned that if vengeance and atrocities continue, the BRS government and the Kalawakuntla family will face serious consequences.
He accused the current BRS regime of becoming a government of shareholdings, similar to how the earlier Congress government turned into a commission government. Kishan Reddy alleged that all the MLAs announced as party candidates by CM KCR have looted Telangana, particularly through irrigation projects and the Dharani system that harasses small and marginal farmers.