Union Minister of Coal and Mines and State BJP chief G Kishan Reddy criticized CM Revanth Reddy for encouraging defections and mocking democracy. He spoke to the media after attending PM Narendra Modi’s ‘Mann Ki Baat’ and urged Telugu people to watch the program on the last Sunday of every month at 11 am for the next five years. Reddy said Modi is sharing his thoughts on social issues with the public.
Reddy accused the State government and the CM of not keeping their promises. He stated that the Congress government had promised health care, housing for the poor, loan waivers for farmers, financial assistance for women, unemployment benefits, scooters for college girls, and scholarships for students, but failed to fulfill any of these promises. He compared the current government to the previous KCR regime, saying they are cheating people and encouraging defections.
The minister labeled both the Congress and BRS as corrupt parties, predicting that the Congress will face consequences for their actions just like BRS did. He supported Modi’s call to plant a sapling in honor of mothers who gave birth during the ‘Mann Ki Baat’ program. Reddy emphasized the importance of honoring mothers and encouraged everyone to plant a sapling in their name to show appreciation for their sacrifices.