State BJP chief and Union Minister G Kishan Reddy claimed that people are tired of the undemocratic ways of BRS president and CM K Chandrashekar Rao. In an open letter to KCR, he criticized the dictatorship rule and lack of democracy in the state. Reddy accused KCR of not listening to anyone and keeping various sections of society at a distance. He compared KCR to the mythological figure Hiranyakashyap, saying that he believes he is above questioning. Reddy also mentioned how the media, which KCR had previously liked during the agitation, was censured when they became critical. He criticized the closure of Dharna Chowk, a symbol of democratic values. Reddy accused KCR of forcing everyone to fall in line and treating his own thoughts as the thoughts of the people. He questioned the lack of accessibility for the public to meet the CM and the disappearance of “Praja Darbars” that were held in the past. Reddy also mentioned the controversy surrounding pictures of KCR in Yadadri sculptures. He concluded by saying that people are ready to teach a lesson to BRS and KCR.
Kishan: People Determined to Overthrow BRS Regime
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