Union Tourism Minister Kishan Reddy will become the Telangana State BJP President on Friday. Before taking charge, he visited the Bhagyalakshmi temple at Charminar this morning. MLAs Eatala Rajender, Raghunandan Rao, and other leaders also attended the special prayers at the temple. Many activists were present as well. Kishan Reddy held up a sword given to him by an activist and showed it to Charminar. Later, they went to a rally and paid tribute to the statue of Mahatma Jyoti Rao Phule in Amberpet.
Afterward, they visited the Kanakadurga temple in Bashir Bhag and participated in special prayers. They garlanded Ambedkar’s statue on the tank bund and then paid their respects to the martyrs at the Telangana Martyrs Stupa across from the Assembly.
Kishan Reddy will officially become the Telangana BJP President at 11:45 am at the Nampally BJP state office in Hyderabad. He will then address the party workers. He previously served as the state party president in 2014 when Telangana was formed.