Union Minister and Telangana BJP chief G Kishan Reddy wants the party to defeat AIMIM in the Hyderabad Parliament seat. He spoke at a gathering in Goshamahal as part of the Bhagyanagar cluster ‘Vijaya Sankalpa Yatra’. Reddy accused AIMIM of being anti-development and corrupt, preventing Hyderabad’s progress.
He criticized AIMIM for cooperating with any government in power and engaging in corruption for personal gain. Reddy claimed that AIMIM hindered the Metro Rail project in the Old City, neglecting essential infrastructure like roads, drains, and schools. He urged the BJP to win the Hyderabad LS seat to bring development under PM Narendra Modi’s leadership.
Reddy emphasized the importance of winning all 17 LS seats in Telangana to support Modi’s leadership. He believes that defeating AIMIM in Hyderabad is crucial for the city’s progress and urged party members to work towards this goal.