Deputy Chief Minister and Energy Minister Mallu Bhatti Vikramarka launched the ‘Gruha Jyoti’ scheme in Madhira and Mudigonda mandals in Khammam district. This scheme promises zero electricity billing and is one of the 6 guarantees made by the Congress during their election campaign.
Under this scheme, consumers who receive an electricity bill for up to 200 units in February will not have to pay anything in March. The launch event included TSNPDCL CMD K Varun Reddy and District Collector VP Gautham taking meter readings at the homes of beneficiaries.
Bhatti announced that the state government will begin offering free training for competitive exams with expert lecturers through Ambedkar Knowledge Centre in 119 constituencies within the next 15 days. These centers aim to help youth prepare for job tests without having to spend money on coaching classes in cities like Hyderabad. Additionally, an International English Medium School will be established in every mandal for quality education. The government has also decided to provide interest-free loans to DWCRA groups.