Police in Khammam, Telangana are keeping a lookout for smugglers trying to bring paddy from neighbouring states into Telangana as procurement of Asangi paddy has begun. The Commissioner of Police, Vishnu Warrier, said that 24-hour vigilance is being maintained at the border check posts in the district to prevent smuggling. He participated in a video conference with officials from other departments to prevent paddy from being transported from other states into Telangana’s paddy procurement centres.
The Police Commissioner said that efforts should also be made to prevent smuggling of rice, liquor and other illegal goods from other states into Telangana. To prevent illegal transport, 10 check posts have been set up in the district with strong security measures. Additional DCP Subhash Chandra Bose, Additional Collector Madusudhan Rao, G. Janardhan Reddy (Deputy Commissioner of Excise) and G. Ganesh Assistant Commissioner (Excise Enforcement) were present at the video conference along with G. Nagendra Reddy (district excise officer), trainee IPS Avinash Kumar, Civil Supply Officers B. Nagender, Narasimha Rao and ACP Prasanna Kumar.