Five corporators in Khammam, including Chava Madhuri, Narayana Rao, Kamarthapu Murali, and Ravuri Murali, have resigned from the BRS party and announced their intention to join the Congress party. It is expected that more corporators and leaders will follow suit in the coming days. Khammam BRS town president K Murali expressed his admiration for Congress leader Tummala Nageswara Rao and stated that they were inspired by his previous work as a minister. The corporators held a media briefing where they pledged to work hard for the victory of the Congress candidate in the upcoming elections.
This development has come as a shock to the BRS party in Khammam, as they had previously believed that the party was gaining strength in the area. Minister Puvvada Ajay Kumar’s wife was conducting an election campaign in Khammam on Sunday when this incident occurred, causing unrest within the party.